Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Fillings for Children

Nov 22, 2022 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. David Wyse
Tagged with: Dental Implants

When you or your family is in need of dental care, you should be able to get all the services you need under one roof. At Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, which treats patients in the Bloomington, IL, and Champaign, IL, area, our dentists offer a comprehensive range of family dentistry services, including pediatric dental care.

Children are still learning proper oral hygiene techniques, so it is not unusual for dental decay to develop. To treat cavities, our dentists offer dental fillings for children. Our welcoming environment helps children feel comfortable so they get the care they need with as little fear or anxiety as possible.

What Type of Filling Should My Child Get?

Dental fillings are available in two forms: composite and amalgam. Amalgam, or metal fillings, are made of a variety of metals, including silver, zinc, and copper. Composite fillings are made of a malleable resin material. Each type of filling offers its own pros and cons. One of the most noticeable differences between the two fillings is their appearance. Metal fillings are silver in appearance and composite fillings are tooth-colored.

When treating cavities in children, our dentists often recommend composite fillings. Since composite fillings are tooth-colored, they blend in with the teeth and do not detract from the beauty of the smile. Composite fillings also require the removal of less tooth enamel. This preserves more of your child’s natural tooth structure and can make for a slightly shorter and easier dental procedure.

Does My Child Need Sedation for a Dental Filling?

Dental fillings are a fairly straightforward dental treatment. In most cases, our dentists are able to place dental fillings in children using only local anesthetic. This numbs the treatment area so that the patient feels no pain throughout the procedure.

If a child is particularly anxious or has a hard time keeping still in the dental chair, our dentists may recommend sedation. The most common form of sedation for a children’s dental filling is nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is inhaled through a breathing mask that is placed over the nose and mouth. The gas relaxes the patient so they feel calm and comfortable. Many children have no recollection of their dental treatment once the effects of nitrous oxide have worn off.

What Kind Of Aftercare Will My Child Need?

Recovery from a dental filling is fast and easy for most of our Bloomington patients. The part of the mouth that has been treated is likely to remain numb for some time after the filling is placed. It is best for children to avoid chewing or eating until sensations return so that they do not bite their tongue or cheek. After anesthesia has worn off, the child is unlikely to feel any pain. If there is discomfort, it can be managed with a cold compress or over-the-counter children’s pain medication.

Dental fillings seal the tooth to prevent future decay, but further issues can develop if the teeth are not cared for properly. It is important to resume all regular oral hygiene habits after a dental filling. Children should brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time. When age-appropriate, children should floss and use mouthwash.

Contact Us

At Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer quality dental care in an environment that is comfortable and secure for you and your family. To learn more about pediatric dental fillings or other family dentistry services, please send us a message online or call (309) 663-6393 and schedule an appointment.