Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

What Happens After Invisalign Treatment?

Oct 22, 2022 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. David Wyse
Tagged with: Invisalign

Invisalign® is a revolutionary teeth straightening system that uses clear plastic aligner trays to reposition the teeth and jaw. Invisalign offers several benefits over traditional braces. Invisalign aligners are more discreet and comfortable than metal braces and they are removable, which makes dental care easy and convenient.

Invisalign treatment is generally completed in around 12 to 18 months, but what happens after Invisalign treatment? There are some aftercare practices that patients must follow to keep their teeth straight. The dentists from Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, which serves the Bloomington, IL, and Champaign, IL, areas prepare patients for what to expect in the aftermath of Invisalign treatment.

Do I Need Retainers After Invisalign?

Following any type of orthodontic treatment, patients are likely to require retainers. Retainers fit over the teeth to hold the teeth and jaw in their proper position. Retainers support the teeth and jaw after orthodontic care so that they do not revert back to their former position after treatment. Fortunately, the retainers that are worn after Invisalign treatment are fabricated of clear plastic, just like the aligners worn throughout treatment. This allows our Bloomington patients to get the support they need while maintaining a level of comfort and a more discreet look.

How Long Are Retainers Worn?

Dentists will provide patients with explicit instructions regarding retainer use after Invisalign. The exact specifications may vary slightly for each patient. In general, patients can expect to wear their retainers at least 20 to 22 hours a day for the first month following the completion of Invisalign treatment. As with the aligners worn throughout Invisalign care, retainers can be removed for eating, drinking, and brushing the teeth.

Within a month after Invisalign treatment, the jaw bone should be getting stronger and the teeth should be more settled into their new position. At this point, retainers do not need to be worn as long. After the one-month mark, patients are usually advised that retainers need only be worn overnight or while they are sleeping.

Will My Teeth Move After Invisalign?

It is possible for the teeth and jaw to move after Invisalign treatment. Shifting is especially likely during the first year following treatment because the jaw bone is still rebuilding and the teeth will not be fully established in their new position. Wearing retainers exactly as instructed is vital to supporting the teeth and jaw and preserving Invisalign results.

Even years after Invisalign treatment, it is possible for the teeth to shift. As a person ages, the teeth and jaw naturally move and change shape. While subtle changes may not be immediately noticeable, they can become obvious over time. Continual retainer use is the best way to prevent the smile from reverting to its pre-treatment condition.

Send Us a Message

Invisalign offers comfortable, discreet, and effective teeth straightening results. If you are interested in learning more about what to expect during and after Invisalign treatment, the dentists at Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can answer any questions you may have. Send us a message online to schedule a consultation or call (309) 663-6393 at your earliest convenience.