Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Denture Care Tips

Dec 24, 2021 @ 11:30 PM — by Dr. David Wyse
Tagged with: Denture Care

Dentures improve quality of life, making it possible for those with significant tooth loss to smile with confidence and comfortably eat. 

Although dentures are artificial teeth, they need to be properly cared for to keep them looking and functioning their best. Dr. David D. Wyse and Dr. Jay W. Chrisman at Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry provide personalized denture care tips during consultations at their BloomingtonIL, practice. 

For your personalized tips, we welcome you to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, these general denture care tips can help. 

Brush Your Dentures Every Day

Even though dentures cannot decay like the natural teeth, they still need to be cleaned every day. Brushing is necessary to remove food debris and plaque from the dentures. 

Dentures should be cleaned using a soft-bristled brush and a gentle denture cleanser to avoid scratching the dentures. Scratches should be avoided since food and plaque can settle into scratches and affect the appearance of dentures. 

Rinse Dentures after Eating

It’s recommended that denture wearers remove their dentures after eating and rinse them with water to remove food remnants. Rinsing the mouth while the dentures are out is also a good idea to remove food particles that can get stuck between the gums and dentures and cause irritation. 

Avoid Certain Dental Cleaning Products

Dentures need to be cleaned but certain products should be avoided as they may be too abrasive or weaken or damage the materials used to make the dentures. Products that should be avoided when cleaning dentures includes:

Brush Inside Your Mouth 

Even without natural teeth, the mouth should be cleaned to prevent food debris and bacteria from growing on the gums, tongue, and other tissues in the mouth.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the tongue, cheeks, and roof of the mouth. Toothpaste may be used but never use denture cleaner. 

Brushing inside the mouth is especially important for those who use a denture adhesive as denture adhesives should be thoroughly removed daily to prevent bacterial buildup.

Place Dentures in a Soaking Solution or Water Every Night 

Most dentures should be soaked overnight in a mild denture-soaking solution. Water is generally acceptable as well. Hot water should be avoided since it can warp the dentures. 

Dentures should also be rinsed well after removing them from the denture cleaning solution to prevent ingesting the solution, which can cause tissue irritation. 

Seek Treatment if Dentures Become Loose

It’s important that dentures fit properly to prevent them from slipping and sliding in the mouth. Loose dentures can make it difficult to eat and cause denture wearers to slur when they speak. 

If dentures begin to fit loosely, a dental appointment should be scheduled to make any necessary adjustments. 

Schedule Regular Dental Exams

Denture wearers should continue to schedule regular dental exams, even if all of the teeth are missing. Regular exams at our Bloomington practice are important for evaluating gum health, denture fit, and overall oral health. 

Contact Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

For more information or answers to your questions about dentures, call our Bloomington practice at (309) 663-6393 or schedule a consultation online