Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Why Do I Have Chronic Bad Breath? How Can a Dentist Help Me?

Mar 21, 2024 @ 10:13 AM — by Dr. David Wyse
Tagged with: Bad Breath

Many people experience bad breath after consuming fragrant foods and beverages. Situational bad breath usually goes away after brushing the teeth or using mouthwash or a breath mint.

Halitosis is a condition that causes the breath to smell unpleasant regularly. Halitosis may temporarily go away with brushing or a breath mint, but it returns. Persistent bad breath usually indicates an underlying oral health problem that requires general dentistry services to improve dental health.

Here, the dentists at Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, who serve Bloomington, IL, Champaign, IL, and surrounding areas, discuss chronic bad breath causes and dental treatments that can help patients enjoy fresh, clean-smelling breath.

Causes of Halitosis

Bad breath creates an unpleasant odor or taste in the mouth. While food and beverages are sometimes to blame for unfresh breath, halitosis is a greater concern. Halitosis is frequently caused by a buildup of plaque or bacteria around the teeth or oral tissues. Chronic bad breath may result from poor oral hygiene, lifestyle choices, or dental problems.

Poor Dental Hygiene

Every day, the teeth bite, chew, and break down foods that contain sugars, acids, and starches. Oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing are essential to cleaning the teeth of food particles and preventing the buildup of plaque and tartar. Inconsistent or improper dental hygiene habits can cause or contribute to chronic bad breath by creating an environment ideal for bacteria and plaque buildup.


Smoking is a bad habit that negatively impacts physical health. Smoking also harms oral health. Smoking not only causes situational bad breath, but it also increases the risk of oral health problems linked to halitosis, such as dry mouth, gum disease, and root canal infection.

Dry Mouth

Good oral hygiene habits are essential to dental health, but the mouth also has a built-in cleaning system. Saliva keeps the mouth moist and rinses away food particles that attract bacteria. Unfortunately, some people suffer from dry mouth - a lack of moisture in the mouth due to restricted saliva production. Dry mouth increases the risk of halitosis and other oral health problems.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection that affects the periodontal tissues. Gum disease develops when bacteria get into the gums and cause an infection. Gum disease causes numerous symptoms, including inflammation, gum tenderness, bleeding, gum recession, and halitosis.

Root Canal Infection

Root canal infection is an infection that affects the nerves and tissues at the center of a tooth and the canals of the tooth’s root system. A root canal infection can develop when dental damage allows bacteria to reach the sensitive inner layer of a tooth. A root canal infection can cause oral pain, increased tooth sensitivity, and chronic bad breath.

Dental Treatments to Address Halitosis

Dental treatment may be the best solution when chronic bad breath is a concern. A dental examination allows our dentists to determine the cause of halitosis and create an appropriate treatment plan. Depending on which of the abovementioned factors is contributing to chronic bad breath, our Bloomington patients may be ideal candidates for:

Send Us a Message

If you experience bad breath that persists despite good oral hygiene habits, you may have an underlying dental condition that requires treatment. To find out how the dentists at Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can help you restore fresh, clean breath, send us a message and schedule a dental exam at your earliest convenience.